
Since 2006, I have build several websites to share my photographs and the amazing work done by some artists on the web. It was not necessarily related to photography but also to design, furnitures, t-shirts, animation, etc.

The first website I have created was a portfolio all made in PHP and CSS, it was in 2006. In parallel, I have created a blog based on Dotclear. I have customized a theme using PHP and CSS along with graphics made on Photoshop.

In 2010, I have coded a new website for my photographs with home made images preloading and spam filtering (for the contact page). Still in PHP and CSS. During the same year, I decided to keep the blog concept but I would like to try something different than Dotclear and moved to Blogger.

In 2014, I have started to test Koken, a powerful content management system build for photographers and I decided to switch definitively to it. One of the biggest advantage offered by Koken is the images management, it simplifies a lot the publication process of the photographs.